HS China Connect Ltd is a one stop shop for all your design, manufacturing and import needs. We simplify the process and reduce the risk of manufacturing products, parts or putting together a product line in China, so that you can keep focused on your market and customers.
Here is what we can do for you:
* We are a North American owned company
* We are an ISO 9001 certified company
* We are fluent English communicators
* We are in China with N. America staff
* We are trained manufacturing experts
* We understand Chinese business practice
* We are experts in import & export
* We are experts in logistics & shipping
* We are available 24/7 for emergency purposes
* We provide Intellectual property protection
* We handle the issues and risks
* We can provide references for our work
* We have reliable manufacturing partners
* We provide timely and efficient service
* We get you the right pricing for the job
Solutions we can provide:

* Manufacture your products
* Manufacturing costing
* Design, engineering & certification
* Product development consulting
* Manufacturing processes consulting
* Prototyping and sampling
* Factory assessment 
* Project management
* Procurement of products & product lines
* Quality control and inspections
* Consolidation of products
* Warehousing and storage
* Intellectual property registration in China
* Logistics and freight forwarding
* Customs handling
* International drop ship
* International business planning
* Supply chain management

To get started, contact us.
We have many great partner factories to produce anything you need, heavy or light industry for home, office, outdoor or industrial use: parts, new inventions, replications, fabrications, assemblies, toys, gadgets, furniture, consumables etc...  
Reasons for working with us:

Fabrication, Sand &
Die Casting, Forming,
Roll Forming, CNC
Machining, Parts,
Thermoforming, Blow, Rotation & Injection Molding, Assembly
CNC Machining, Parts,

PCB Boards, RFID,
Motors, Controllers,
Magnets, Phones,
Tablets, Audio & Sound Equiment, Harnesses..

In/Outdoor Furniture,
Toys, Parts, Handles,
CNC Milled Widgets,
Lamiates, Construction
Materials ....

Face, Hand & Body:
Wash, Toner, Creams,
Lotions, Soaps, Oils.
Conditioner, Shampoo,
Essential Oils, Gels...

Shirts, Bags, Pants,
Sweaters, Socks,
Jackets, Hoodies,
Carpets, Door Mats,
Tents, Tarps...

Cups, Pots, Jars,
Plates, Insulators,
Parts, Tiles, Bearings,
Seals, Pipe, Pottery,

Boxes, Cartons, Bottles,
Jars, Cups, Bags,
Display Boxes, Clam
Shell, Sprayers, Blister
Packs, Dispensers....
See us on Linked In
Contract Manufacturing & Import/Export Services: